Philips에서는 Box에 로그인하기 위해 사용자의 네트워크 자격 증명을 사용합니다. 계속하려면 사용자의 네트워크를 통해 Box에 로그인하십시오.
Philips의 직원이 아닌 경우 계정으로 계속해서 로그인하십시오.
Dear user of Box (to be),
All Philips Design information even if addressed as non-secret or non-personal stored within Box has to be treated as confidential and may not be disclosed to any third party.
Please be aware that box uses your own personal and personal sensitive data for third party purposes. Therefore, do not put any personal or personal sensitive data within Box.
By using Box you agree that you will exclusively store / transfer to Box the non-personal and personal sensitive information, as well as non-secret information. This means you cannot store in Box the raw or pseudonimized/coded research data, profile data, code lists or other files that contain personal or personal sensitive data. This needs to be done to ensure these data sources cannot be connected directly together in case of a breach.
What kind of data cannot be stored in Box:
- Code list with personal data of stakeholders / participants
- (Coded) Profile data
- (Coded) Qualitative (raw) research data
- (Coded) Quantitative (raw) research data
- (Coded) Sensory data
- (Coded) Images / video / audio data
When you need to store or transfer personal or personal sensitive data, please contact the project manager of your project or collaboration for an alternative Philips approved transfer or archiving option specifically for these files.
Be aware that some of the Box users in your team will use their personal account to log in to Box. Be aware that this personal account cannot be used for communication between team members. For communication purposes everyone should use their Philips user-account account.
For Box users that use their personal account, please DO NOT use this personal account for any other communication with the team. Your Philips user-account is the only e-mail that can be used for communication purposes.
For any questions on these matters, please contact or